I forgot about sunburns…

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After I left the bones in the dust I took a left on Sage Creek Road and headed up the familiar curves along the West edge of the Badlands. My intention was to drive the road quickly and pop out at Wall and head back to Rapid, I didn’t expect to spend the better part of an hour enjoying the sunset with a lovely big horned sheep.

I spotted her sitting oh-so-picturesquely on the top of a ridge. She really had picked out a fine spot to bask in the afternoon sun. I pulled off the side of the road, grabbed my camera and slowly clicked my way towards her. Almost immediately her behavior was curious. She lowered her chin to the ground and closed her eyes, almost as if to say “Whatever, do what you’re going to do, I’m going to take a nap.” She was simply remarkable and I eventually got so close to her that I sat down and stopped taking her photo and just sat next to her. Together we watched the sun lower in the sky and I let my thoughts drift in the wind.

Eventually I heard another car approaching and I decided it was best that no one see me and my new friend hanging out so I got up and made my way back to the car. To my delight she got up and followed me. I took that as in invite to share her company a little longer. Her two kids joined us for a bit and I grabbed a few shots of them before the trio headed down the canyon.

Her company was a gift and something I will never forget or take for granted. I will make a mental note though, that next time I should probably pack some sunscreen.

2 Comments on “I forgot about sunburns…”

  1. Bonny – really like the black and white of the ewe sniffing the plant. Sounds like you made a great, new friend.

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